

A Trip Away...

I needed to get away. To escape the fact that I am moving house next month. And there is something so satisfying in punching your passport details into a text box, choosing an early flight and booking a little trip away somewhere. So I grabbed what I needed and myself and my Mum headed to our home in Ireland for the week. It's situated in a small town with not much to do at all but I love it more each time I go. I had planned to take photos each day of the landmarks that represent my other home and the place where I grew up each school holiday for years but alas the one above is the only picture I snapped. It's good to escape sometimes. To a land where everything is greener, the people are happy to say hello to you, and let's face it; the accents are a major button pusher (for me, anyway!).

What I miss :
The bread
The accents
Cows in the garden
Good coleslaw
Apple pies
Family & old friends

What I will NEVER miss :
HMV stores - seriously, worst layout I've ever come across



My niece snapped this photo, I think we have a future photography student on our hands!

Because I am the worst texter-backer ever...

Dear Godfather, thank you for your old band t-shirts. I live in them, much to Mum's obvious dismay.
Dear D, I will miss you when you go to India. Please don't leave!
Dear Sainsburys, please stop making Chip Sticks. Then I won't need to eat them all.
Dear Exercise, I limped for three days because of you. Three days!!
Dear Steve McQueen, thank you for your films. 
Dear J, D, A & R, please continue to forgive my horrific texting skills. I'll figure it out one day.
&Dear James McAvoy, stop being so damn cute.


Sleep Evades

Luckily tonight is unlike most others as no dwellings on the past/present/future have overcome me, it is a simple feeling of restlessness. After watching interview after interview it has become apparent that no amount of Fassbender-Mcavoy-Knightly or Hardy will bring about any deep rest, it is hopeless. But tonight is still a peaceful unease in which I crept down the stairs, hopping past the well known creaks. Edging through the kitchen door trying my hardest not to unsettle my furry friends and poured myself a bowl of Cinnamon Grahams. Then retraced my steps back to my fitful room and now I sit comfortably with the window ajar watching X-Men First Class wishing for sleep to wash over me.

3.04 am.
4.14 am.

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envye template.