

Tonight on Salad Days.

It is 1.33am. One dog is successfully occupying all of the desirable leg space on the bed whilst the other dog is snoring so loud it may be just enough to send a message home to ET. Now that you have stumbled onto this place - probably looking for delicious salad recipes -  I may as well let you in on the situation and what this space is for.

So tonight on Salad Days I introduce to you; me! I'm Lauren. Now I don't know about you but I seem to spend my time with a cloud of existential crisis looming over my head. When this happens I tend to do a number of things which include lying on the floor for hours, complaining to my Godfather about the changes I need to make in my life, he in turn attempts to give me advice and we both leave the conversation thinking the same thing - same time next week? I like many others dubbed 2014 as "my year" I had big plans for travelling and adventure and sticking it to the man but again like many others all my plans fell through and I ended up right back on that floor rolling around on the phone to my Goddad.

I operate in an uncoordinated back to front manner. One half of me is ready to leave everything behind and get out and do things I would never normally do whilst the other half is desperate to stay in cuddled up every night watching 80's movies wishing I could pull off those wildly unflattering swimsuits and rock the shit out of double denim. So this is my way of giving myself a push to actually leave the house and make the most out of the time I have to live on this earth and document the memories on here to look back on. Otherwise it would be a pretty mundane blog even if it is just me reading it!

I'm signing off now as I've had a film on whilst writing this up and have only just realised I've been watching it in French. Five salad dollars to whoever gets the Salad Days reference. Talk soon x

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